Sunset, mountain, river and house Colorful Illustration

This is first time I am trying to draw a full fledge colored landscape illustration. It obviously takes courage to begin with such kind of drawing. So all thanks goes to my mentors and well-wishers who helped me.

Below, you can see the sketch. As you can see, I did a pretty rough drawing what I can possibly imagine. Then I applied color into it. Then I played with shading and contrasts, and BOOOMM!! You have seen the final result, didn't you?

A sunset view of mountain, hills, river and house - vector illustration

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I am a professional vector illustrator and, thank you so much for viewing my work.

Specializing in illustration, hand-drawn art, and vector art, I use Adobe Illustrator to craft stunning visuals. From captivating drawings and hand-drawn lines to mastering lineart techniques, I create magic in every stroke. Need to convert a sketch to vectorart? I've got you covered! Let's elevate your projects with impeccable vector drawings and impactful vector graphics.✨

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