Glyphic Color Palette

The team at Glyph­ic iden­ti­fied their attrib­ut­es as Intu­itive, Rad­i­cal, and Play­ful. Antic­i­pat­ing respons­es like an actu­al per­son­al assis­tant, their AI has the pow­er to rev­o­lu­tion­ize the entire sales space. The Glyph­ic brand need­ed to be spir­it­ed and live­ly — they’re chang­ing an indus­try and that’s some­thing to be excit­ed about!

The col­or palette looks to fill the Glyph­ic land­scape with val­ue. But not over-sat­u­ra­tion. The col­ors feel bright, bold, and friend­ly, all while hav­ing a seri­ous undertone.

Click here to view the full case study.


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