busybusy Case Study

The best app for tracking your mobile workforce - built by construction companies for construction companies.

Although the founder of busybusy had a much greater vision, including project management, budget projections, and a construction business directory, we first did our own research. Through dozens of interviews, field observations, and lab tests we found the common challenge users shared was a timekeeping solution. Our MVP focused on time tracking and payroll management features which we were confident users would pay for.

Our design process was iterative between planning, implementation, review, and retrospect. Features to be implemented would be executed by a scrum team and deployed. As features came out they would be analyzed for quantitative data using Google Analytics and Fullstory.

We had several user personas by which we judged all design decisions: the business owner, the office administrator, the foremen, and the field worker.

We rebranded and redesigned the look and feel of the app to be easy to use, intuitive, and simple. We also redesigned the clock in/out buttons to be easier to tap after field observations discovered dirty hands, bulky phone cases, and big thumbs were struggling to clock out.

After receiving feedback from our sales team, customer support, second hand research, and our websites feature request page we eventually pushed new features like project management and cost code tracking. We also invited local construction companies for pizza and usability testing to learn how the product was being received.

The product has been and continues to be a success.

Try the app for free at busybusy.com

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Li Kane
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