Coinly — Infographic and Dashboard Design for Kids

About the Project:

This design project focuses on creating an intuitive and engaging infographic and dashboard for Coinly, a banking app tailored for children. The goal is to visually represent financial concepts in a way that is both accessible and appealing to a young audience, encouraging them to learn and interact with their finances positively.

About the Shot:

The first image is an infographic that clearly defines the in-app currency system. It uses bright, attractive colors and simple shapes to represent the different denominations of the virtual currency: coins, diamonds, and crystals, each equated to real-world money values. This visual aid helps children understand the value of their in-game actions in familiar terms.

The second image showcases the Coinly dashboard, which serves as the central hub for the young user's financial journey. It features a friendly greeting, a snapshot of the user's savings, and an overview of their current financial tasks and educational progress. Special offers and upgrades are highlighted, teaching the principles of decision-making and opportunity costs. The dashboard is designed with colorful icons, easy-to-read fonts, and a clean layout, making the management of finances engaging and straightforward for children.

Together, these designs combine to create a cohesive educational experience that simplifies financial information and empowers children to take charge of their economic learning.

If you have a project you'd like to collaborate on, I'm ready to join forces. Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]. Let's bring your vision to life together!

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Posted on Jan 23, 2024
Ivan Ermakov
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