"The Big Five" online personality test
I recently released a personal project that I’ve been working on: “The Big Five” online personality test.
The site aims to give people an understanding of their personality using the “Big 5” personality metric. There is a homepage that gives an overview of what the Big 5 traits are, and a test that you can do that consists of 50 questions that aims to measure your Big 5 traits in relationship to others.
My motivation for creating this site was that I had learned about the Big 5 personality metric and found it extremely beneficial for understanding my own personality and how I relate to others, but I noticed that there were no sites out there where you could do an online test that were free, really well-made and user-friendly. I hope that the site provides a way for people to learn more about the metric and how it relates to themselves and others in their lives. I hope to add more features in the future, including a paid extended test with a more detailed breakdown of people’s results.
You can check the site out for yourself here: https://thebigfive.app