Art Academy Dashboard

Art Academy Dashboard

As part of my ux-ui course I made this dashboard for art academy


I conducted research that included a survey, on the needs of the students, lecturers and management of the academy,

my personas were:

Ayelet- the student

Michael- the leturer

and Nurit- the secretary

the 3 of them had strong needs from the dashboard

The needs

Ayelet the student, has a busy schedule, she has the studies in the morning,

job in the evening and the homework at night

she wants to see if the lecturer had viewed her project or to get any feedback on the progress.

she also wants to get notifications from the secretary by whatsapp.

Michael the lecturer has tons of projects in his schedule and he usually forgets to give the students the lesson materials and that brings him to spend a lot of time in the lesson itself.

he wants a virtual space to share lesson records and materials with the students.

Nurit the secretary is exhausted from running after the students and the lecturers with notifications and messages, she wants an option to see who read the message and who didn't.


UI and Design Concept

In Academy we want to encuarege the student to create and share their art

as part of this value, the design concept is spaces in the dashboard for the students projects,

In a course image, in the events and news tab I combined space for their works.

More by Nehama Lev

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