Cantautora brand design concept

This is a conceptual design case created for practice and study of brand design. Cantautora is a fictional company that caters to Chilean women in the independent music industry, specifically those with limited involvement due to professional studies and jobs that consume much of their time. The company aims to promote these women without requiring them to make sacrifices in their personal lives for the sake of their music careers.

The inspiration for developing this brand stems from the observed percentage disparities between men and women in the national music industry, particularly in outlets such as the OLMI (Observatorio Latinoamericano de Música Independiente). The goal is to address and rectify these imbalances by providing a platform that supports and promotes talented women in music, acknowledging the challenges they face.

The entire brand design process, from crafting logos to selecting fonts, has been employed to bring Cantautora to life. Any feedback or constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

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