3D renderings for mechanical engineering

Turn a CAD file into images and videos for all social media channels, presentations, websites and much more? Unleash the potential of your production data now.

Auf Grundlage von STL oder STEP Dateien, die bereits für die Produktentwicklung im Maschinenbau existieren, bereiten wir unsere 3D Szenen auf. Wir hüllen sie in ansprechende Materialien und generieren eine komplett virtuelle Welt. Perfekt ausgeleuchtet und in Szene gesetzt - so entstehen atemberaubende Produktmotive durch Renderings.

When it comes to complex processes and functions, we also animate the product. There are no limits when it comes to CGI. From conservative product images to crazy image videos. Thanks to 3D, all this is possible.

Every company needs to think about effective marketing and content production. The sooner all marketing channels are filled, the faster sales will start (short time to market). To achieve this, we prepare the product exactly once and can fill a wide variety of advertising channels and campaigns in a target group-oriented manner without any additional effort.

Driven by the desire always discovering new horizons.

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