Rejoice (Still) – a mini pattern collection

Pattern collection, mini pattern collection, abstract floral pattern, geometric pattern

Today’s post includes the 2nd set/colorway of the ‘Rejoice’ collection – Rejoice (Still). In my defense about the blueness of this set, all I can say is I felt really drawn to this color theme while choosing a palette – sort of magnetic pull. Here it is now, existing in its glorious blueness. It’s blue but not a sad kind of blue. It aligns more with the elegance category.

Rejoice (still)

This set can be linked to the contrasty, icy-winter side of the Christmas festivities. Despite its monochromatic vibe, it’s a personal fav. There is a serene kind of joy in being still, surrendering to the stillness – this collection is my tribute to this stillness. Always surrounding us, to notice if we slow down enough. It’s silent yet always here, just like the rhythm of our heartbeats.

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Thank you so much for checking out my work!!

Likes and comments are much appreciated. ❤

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For more color variations, you are welcome to visit my Instagram profile:

I usually publish all the color variations there.   

I am available for collaboration. For project inquiries/licensing, please, mail to: [email protected]

Pattern collection, mini pattern collection, abstract floral pattern, geometric pattern
Pattern collection, mini pattern collection, abstract floral pattern, geometric pattern
Pattern collection, mini pattern collection, abstract floral pattern, geometric pattern
Pattern collection, mini pattern collection, abstract floral pattern, geometric pattern


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