Meraki Halo | Website Design Refresh

Website Design for Meraki Halo Home Improvements in Dundee

Project Brief: Meraki Halo, known for their bespoke home improvement services in Dundee, asked us to revisit our earlier project and redesign their website's home page. The objective was to align the design with their newly niched-down marketing strategy, focusing exclusively on their premium windows and doors segment.

Challenge: The primary challenge was to craft a home page that not only highlighted Meraki Halo's expertise in high-performance windows and doors but also resonated with their target market.


  • Focused Content Strategy: The redesigned home page featured content strategically tailored to showcase the unique value proposition of Meraki Halo's windows and doors. The copy was crafted to emphasize the products' superior performance, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal - as well as the brand's focus on customer experience.

  • Visual Harmony: We introduced a visually appealing design, using high-quality images of their products in various architectural settings. As this was just a home page redesign, it was important new layout was consistent with the existing site pages.

  • SEO and Marketing Alignment: The redesign was complimented with SEO optimization, to assist that the website with ranking high for relevant keywords in the high-performance windows and doors category. This was critical in aligning with Meraki Halo's focused marketing strategy.

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