Daily UI (5/100): App Icon
NEVER GIVE UP! JOIN US IN OUR FIGHT FOR ALL HUMANITY! Okay, it's not that serious, just my contribution to today's UI challenge. It's an app icon for MoonFire, an imaginary 80s style 8-bit intergalactic shoot-em up video game between mankind and the rest of the universe (everyone else hates us!).
I started playing around with the idea of the moon actually on fire and what that would look like as an 8-bit icon (that's what you see on the left). I like a good logo, however, so I added one to the design and came up with what you see on the right. I couldn't decide which I liked the most (I'm leaning towards the left icon) so I put up both.
Would love to bring this game to life in some way but could use some help seeing as I've never designed a video game in my life. Any thoughts on how I should start or resources I should check out?
And which icon do you like the most?