Ollie branding

Ollie is all about snacks and recipes that make you say holy moly, all the while forgetting how healthy they are. Since 2009 Cheryl Malik has been growing the 40 Aprons food blog, turning it into a recognized source of nutritious recipes. Ollie was the next step - a healthy food brand that would start out with sweet snacks with plans and room to grow. With (sometimes unusual) ingredients being key to Ollie, the branding puts them front and center through illustrations. This and a wide range of predefined color combinations allows the product range to easily expand with each product remaining distinctive.

Ollie energy ball box packaging application
Ollie strawberry energy ball packaging application
Ollie peanut butter energy ball packaging application
Ollie chocolate energy ball packaging application
Ollie badge identity application
Ollie stationery
Ollie business cards
Ollie tone of voice
Ollie creative direction poster application
Ollie creative direction poster application
Ollie creative direction communication
Ollie obligatory tote bag
Ollie t-shirt application
Ollie decorative identity pattern

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