Better Place Forests. How it works

Better Place Forests – a San Francisco-based start-up that offers a natural alternative to cemeteries – has commissioned me to produce a series of videos with a unique artistic and narrative aesthetic.

Full Video. Client Edition:

The artistic basis of the video is a flat vector illustration. The entire volume of the objects is given by the effect of noise, which was drawn and applied to the illustrations by the layer structure – for the shadows and highlights separately. Next, all of the constituent elements of the illustration were arranged along the Z-axis (up to 50 metres) in three dimensions, and the wide-angle camera with depth of field enabled was set up (controlled by scripts). The ground area is 100% projection. Then all the events were animated and post effects of cloud shadows, wind fluctuations, pollen... and other details were added. 

The narrative of this video is based on the idea of using forests to bury the ashes of people who have passed away. The end-of-life experience can now include inspiring locations and reflect the beauty of everyone's story. You can return your ashes to the earth beneath a memorial tree your family and friends can visit for years to come.

The first video in the series – ‘How it works’:

- Better Place Forests Website;

- Better Place Forests YouTube Channel.

Part 01.

Part 02.

Part 03.

Part 04.

Still Frames.

Character design. Flat vector base

Character design. Noise volume

Character design. Resulting image



Please find the branded Better Place Forests panorama at Hi-Res size (4420x1080 px) in the attachment.

Appreciate your time and consideration!

BPF_Panorama_4420 × 1080.png
10 MB
Eugene Borodulin
Illustration + Animation. Natural Intelligence only.

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