Component Library

Comprehensive Component Library: Designing Control States

In the completion of the component library project, the primary objective was to create a versatile and comprehensive set of components for various user interfaces. This entailed defining major states for controls, offering a glimpse of how each element behaves in different scenarios.

Expanding the Component Library: Project Highlights:

  • Component Library: The project was dedicated to expanding the component library, providing an array of controls for UI design.

  • Major Control States: While I didn't exhaustively detail every conceivable state permutation for each control, we ensured that the library conveyed the fundamental variations. Users can easily understand, for example, how the focus state for a button differs from that of a textbox.

The result is a component library that not only simplifies UI design but also offers a clear picture of how controls respond to different states, ensuring an efficient and user-friendly design process.

Sophie Peranich
Creating intuitive and responsive digital experiences.

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