Live tutor app : Online learning : K-12
I have been recently working on the user flow of Online learning app for K-12 students, which allows them to take part in live tutoring sessions and make their learning journey productive and fun.
The above is an app home screen the student lands on once their login is complete.
As the user starts their journey, they are prompted to start their interaction by taking daily quiz which makes their user experience rewarding and educational.
The user can see clearly what classes are available to them based on their level.
Users can join communities, which are their study groups, which allows them to interact with other students, post questions, like comments, suggest answers etc.
User can save their favorite classes, share/recommend them to their peers.
Discover allows the user to look for any other interested classes, search for tutors, and anything that they want to explore in the app.
Users can view the live broadcasts from their tutors based on each subjects and topics. They can also view broadcast sessions from their tutors from the previous dates as well. This allows the students to revise the content whenever possible or never miss out on any topic.
The user can view their previous sessions, can replay them if they wish to.
They can see all the information regarding the sessions, and choose to join the session with their other peers.
Thank you for watching :)