BeReal - User Persona UX UX/UI Design

User Persona Created from Competitive Analysis

User Persona Created from App Store Competitive Analysis Findings

Direct Quotes

  • "It’s so refreshing to see my friends share their not so Instagram-able parts of their days and strip away all of the unrealistic expectations social media has put on us all."

  • "There should be a limit to how late you can post."

  • "I think there should be, in addition to the “on-time 2 minute” window, an “hour or two total” late window and after that, no one can post. This would also limit the absurd amount of notifications the app sends out."


  • Regular social media creates a false reality of what our lives actually look like

  • BeReal is a good alternative for mental health

  • Provides a more realistic perspective of what your friends area actually doing on a daily basis and feels much more real

  • Unique idea

  • Can't doom scroll on BeReal

  • It’s hard to get addicted like other social media apps = good

  • Login features do have bugs

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