University of Mashington: a Blog Article Webpage

Hi, I am Ko, an aspiring designer from Japan. This is my third shot - I'd love to know what you think?

Project Details

Client Goal

The primary goal of the University of Mashington project was to design a captivating and informative blog article webpage for a fictional university. The objective was to create a visually appealing layout that highlights the university’s events and achievements while maintaining an academic and professional tone. The client wanted to feature a student art exhibition as the central theme, showcasing the creative talents of the university's students through compelling imagery and well-structured content.

My Contribution

As the lead designer for the University of Mashington project, my contributions included:

Visual Design: I used image generative AIs to create all the visuals, including all the artwork for the exhibition and the university logo. This approach ensured unique and high-quality images that perfectly matched the theme and tone of the article.

Layout Design: Utilizing Figma, I crafted a clean, responsive layout that enhances readability and user engagement. The design includes prominent placement for images, article text, and related content, ensuring a cohesive and visually balanced webpage.

User Experience (UX) Design: I focused on creating an intuitive user experience that guides readers through the article seamlessly. This involved designing clear navigation elements, incorporating interactive components like related news releases, and ensuring the webpage is accessible on various devices.

Content Integration: I integrated the generative AI images and textual content harmoniously, ensuring that the visuals complemented the article's narrative and provided an engaging reading experience.

Project Success

The University of Mashington blog article webpage project was a conceptual success, demonstrating my ability to design an informative and visually appealing digital publication. The design was praised for its clarity, aesthetic appeal, and effective use of generative AI imagery to enhance storytelling. Although the project remains a conceptual design, it showcases my expertise in creating professional, user-centered web layouts that can be adapted for real-world academic or institutional purposes.

⚡️Looking for a UI/UX Designer?

If you are looking for a junior designer at a competitive rate, please let me know. I'd be happy to work. Feel free to message me:)

[email protected]

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