Pleven City - illustrations and emblems

Just as your story started somewhere, so did mine! What's where you're from like? I'd love to know.

If you're still with me - let me share a fun fact about my hometown:

Compared to other cities across homely Bulgaria, Pleven’s denizens have often been labeled grumpy, unfriendly, and downright depressed. A while ago I would believe it to be true, especially after I moved away and started living on my own - first in the uber-pleasant UK, then back in Sofia. People in/from Pleven are simply more in touch with how they feel. They are living in the moment - even if it’s a bad one. This makes us more direct, sincere, and easy to read. There's no need to guess how we feel. A quick look is enough! I find this refreshing. As for the cool illustrations in the post - I challenged myself to create a few emblems as a shout-out to my hometown - the city of Pleven as it hasn't gotten much love lately.

As the saying goes - you can always get out of Pleven, but Pleven will never get out of you!

Todor Hlebarov
Helping growing brands animate their unique story.
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