11 Am - Coffee Time ☕

Drinking coffee and circadian rhythms

Our circadian rhythm is our internal body clock. It helps regulate our sleep-wake cycle, including the morning release of cortisol and epinephrine. These are hormones that enhance alertness and focus

Coffee, specifically its caffeine content, can impact circadian rhythms. Here's how coffee can affect circadian rhythms:

  • Sleep disruption: Consuming coffee, especially in the evening or close to bedtime, can interfere with sleep. Caffeine is a stimulant that blocks adenosine receptors in the brain, which helps promote sleep. By blocking adenosine's sleep-inducing effects, caffeine can make it difficult to fall asleep and get a full night’s rest. This can disrupt the natural circadian rhythm and affect the body's ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles.

  • Delayed melatonin release: Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Caffeine can delay the release of melatonin, making it more difficult to fall asleep at a desired time. This delay in melatonin release can shift the circadian rhythm, making it harder to align with desired sleep schedules.

  • Resetting the body clock: The body's circadian rhythm is regulated by an internal "body clock" located in the brain. External cues, such as light exposure and daily routines, influence this clock. Caffeine can affect the timing of the body clock by altering the perception of time and the synchronization of internal processes. This can lead to a temporary shift in the circadian rhythm, disrupting sleep patterns and daily rhythms.

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