Fast online store on Next

Online women's clothing store for the Russu brand

Front-end is developed on the React framework Next.js 13.5 (the latest)

Functionality developed:

- Shopping cart for authorized and non-authorized users

- Personal account systems with a program of bonuses and promotional codes

- Warehouse accounting of goods

- Product search

- Variable product with individual links for SEO

- User authorization and registration

- Implemented a payment system

- Accounting for clients and orders, statistics

- Adaptive layout

Competitive advantages of this approach: - this is not a CMS that can be easily hacked or infected with viruses, SPEED! Relevance in technical terms and the ability to add anything further, up to a mobile application “with a single database”, as well as an advantage in SEO - here at the level of “code purity”, etc...

The client stayed for maintenance and comprehensive promotion of the service. An action plan for the next six months has been drawn up.

At the moment, the task is to fill the store and initial actions for SEO + work with reputation and brand awareness...

Thank you to everyone involved in the development, it was an interesting experience!

🌐Contacts and links to resources.🌐

🌐 Website 🌐

📞 Whatsapp - +7 989 240-08-97

✉️ Email - [email protected]

Posted on Nov 3, 2023

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