Musik App - Lyric Add


User research uncovered a huge desire from its users to read and see lyrics while listening to the song. Adding in a lyrics component could be a significant feature that adds the value Musik wants to draw other users in and take the app to the next level.

Target Audience

Young adults who use iPhones, aged 16 to 21.

My Process

My main focus when adding in a lyric view was to not stray too far from the original view so that the experience would be seamless, keeping the album visuals on the screen was also top of mind.

I also wanted to ensure the user could easily follow along with the lyrics which led me to different coloring for previous, current, and upcoming lyrics.

Finally, I wanted to make the design clean and sleek to appeal to the younger target audience removing unnecessary aspects such as the lyrics label on the swipe down and keeping the player actions at the bottom.

The images below represent some of my initial designs

More by Anna Schenkenberger

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