Law Firm Website Redesign Design

The project entailed a complete overhaul of Houghton Harper’s existing website to better reflect the firm's values, expertise, and professionalism. The goal was to create a user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and SEO-optimized online platform.

The previous website was outdated, lacked mobile responsiveness, and did not effectively communicate the firm’s wide range of legal services. The client sought a modern design that would appeal to a diverse clientele and improve online visibility.


  • Research & Discovery: Conducted extensive research to understand the law firm’s target audience, competitors, and industry standards. The insights gathered were instrumental in shaping the design strategy.

  • Design Phase: Utilized a clean, modern design with a professional color palette to evoke trust and competence. Designed custom pages for different law practice areas to provide a visual representation of services offered.

  • Development & Optimization: Ensured a mobile-responsive design and optimized the website for SEO to improve search engine rankings. Implemented a CMS for easy content updates.

  • User Experience (UX): Simplified the navigation and included clear call-to-action buttons to enhance user engagement and lead generation.

  • Content Strategy: Worked closely with the law firm to develop compelling, SEO-friendly content that accurately represents the firm’s expertise and values.


This project not only improved Houghton Harper’s online presence but also provided a platform that resonates well with the target audience. The collaborative effort between the client and I ensured a successful project completion that met the objectives set out at the onset.


Before and After

Law Firm Website Redesign Before and After

Law Firm Homepage

Law Firm Homepage

Logo Design

Law Firm Service Page Example

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