Fortunes Of Treasure - (Visus) (Keepers of Dreams)

Fortunes Of Treasures - ( “Visus” ) ( Keepers of Dream Deck” )

Visus and the Dream Tree

A Mirage of Crimson

Visus's journey through the Dream Realm led him to a desolate desert, a land of endless sand dunes that stretched as far as the eye could see.

Visus, the Keeper of Dreams, was a creature of striking appearance. His fur, a vibrant shade of crimson, seemed to shimmer and glow in the desert sun, sometimes causing him to disappear against the fiery backdrop. This ability was not merely a visual trick; Visus could actually blend into his surroundings, becoming nearly invisible in the desert's harsh environment. He could use this camouflage to ambush enemies, stalk prey, or simply avoid detection, like a phantom lost in the sands.

Visus's eyes, normally a piercing black, turned an ethereal green or red when he was conjuring special spells. This color change was more than just a cosmetic effect; it reflected the transformation of his energy and the activation of his supernatural abilities. Visus's eyes are a reflection of his mastery of these abilities. They can pierce through illusions, see through deception, and read the deepest secrets of the soul. His gaze is hypnotic, capable of captivating and mesmerizing his victims, like a siren's song luring sailors to their doom.

Those who dare to meet his gaze might find themselves lost in a trance, their minds open to his manipulation, like a moth drawn to a flame.

Visus, a master of deception, a skilled manipulator who can twist words and play with minds. He can read people's innermost thoughts and fears, using them to his advantage, like a skilled chess player anticipating his opponent's moves. Those who fall for his tricks and traps will find themselves trapped in a labyrinth of their own making, like a fly caught in a spider's web.

Visus's body was adapted to the harsh environment of the inferno desert. His thick fur provided insulation from the scorching heat, and his feet were toughened to withstand the rough terrain. He moved with a grace and agility that belied his size, his movements fluid and effortless, like a dancer gliding across a windswept dune.

Visus understood the nuances of the landscape, the patterns of the wind, and the subtle shifts in the sand. He could use this knowledge to his advantage, disappearing and reappearing at will, leaving his opponents confused and disoriented, like mirages in the heat haze.

Visus's mastery of the desert was absolute. He was a creature of the desert, as much as the desert was a part of him. His ability to blend into his surroundings was just one example of his deep connection to this harsh and unforgiving environment. He was a small bear, but he was a hunter and a survivor, a creature of the inferno desert, perfectly adapted to its challenges and dangers.

The Realm of Dreams

The Dream Realm was a vast and mysterious place, a realm of dreams and illusions where reality and fantasy blurred together. The sun of the dream desert beat down with merciless intensity, baking the earth into a parched and cracked wasteland. The cracks in the earth were so large they seemed to stretch for miles, yawning chasms that swallowed up the sand and swallowed the light.

The sky was a vast expanse of blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds that seemed to drift lazily across the horizon, casting fleeting shadows on the sun-drenched sands. But these were not ordinary clouds; they were shapeshifters, morphing into strange and fantastical forms. Sometimes, they resembled towering mountains, or majestic dragons, or even celestial beings.

The air was thick with the scent of sage and thyme, carried on the gentle breeze. The sand dunes were a kaleidoscope of colors, shifting and changing with the wind, their peaks and valleys casting long, dramatic shadows.

The landscape was a surreal blend of the familiar and the fantastical. There were towering sand dunes that shifted and changed with the wind, and there were strange, otherworldly creatures that roamed the desert.

Off in the vast expanse of the Dream Desert, there were hidden oases, where palm trees grew and crystal-clear water flowed.

In the heart of this barren landscape, Visus discovered the Dream Tree, a solitary figure standing tall amidst a field of iridescent flowers. The tree was unlike any other he had seen before. Its branches were bare, devoid of leaves, but its trunk was massive a cosmic dream marvel. The outer bark looked like dragon skills cascading down it, and the scales were smooth soft off-white that seemed to glow with an inner light. Though the tree appeared dead, it was still alive, its ancient aura radiating with a subtle energy.

A Fateful Encounter

As Visus approached the Dream Tree, his heart pounded with anticipation. The tree's ancient aura resonated with him, a powerful force that seemed to draw him closer, almost against his will. Its branches, gnarled and twisted, seemed to reach out towards him as if inviting him to embrace its power. The tree seemed to exude timeless wisdom, a silent guardian of the Dream Realm. The sand that surrounded the tree blew in mystical patterns, the patterns in the sand randomly glowing red shimmering like jewels in the sunlight creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

With a deep breath, Visus extended his paw towards the tree, his heart pounding in his chest. As his fingers touched the smooth bark, a surge of energy coursed through him, a bolt of electricity that seemed to ignite every cell in his body. The tree's power flowed through him, filling him with a sense of purpose and determination. He knew that he had found what he was searching for and that their destinies were now intertwined.

As a sign of their newfound bond, the Dream Tree began to send Visus visions and messages telepathically. The tree, now aware of Visus's mission, became a valuable source of information and a powerful ally in the fight against the Unraveler.

The Dream Tree stood tall amidst a field of baring desert, a beacon of light in the tempestuous desert landscape. The air was filled with the sweet scent of nectar and the gentle blow of sand, but a constant undercurrent of unease hung heavy in the air. This was no ordinary desert; it was a dream desert, a place where storms could erupt from nowhere, their fury fueled by the Dream Tree's immense power.

But beneath its ethereal beauty lay a hidden strength. The Dream Tree could absorb the lightning bolts that struck the desert, channeling their raw energy into its roots and growing stronger with each storm.

The tree's immense size was awe-inspiring, dwarfing even the tallest trees in the Earth Deminsion. Its roots delved deep into the Tapestry, intertwining with the Earth's energy like the threads of a cosmic tapestry.

Behind the Dream Tree, nestled amidst the towering dunes, stood Visus's Inferno Fortress. The fortress, an architectural marvel, it was a towering structure, its dark wood walls gleaming in the desert sun, resembling a Gothic cathedral risen from the heart of a dream.

Pointed arches, adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes from the Dream Realm, towered tall, leading to the grand entrance, carved just in the center of the tree's trunk. The entrance was framed by gargoyles, their stone faces etched with expressions of ancient wisdom. Several stained glass windows, their colors dancing and twinkling like the shifting sands of the desert, glowed with ethereal light, casting intricate patterns across the floor.

These roots formed a subterranean network that spanned the globe, linking the tree to various points of power and influence, as if it were a living, breathing organism. This connection allowed the tree to draw upon the planet's energy, enhancing its own power and influence. It also allowed the tree to sense the changes occurring in the Earth Realm, providing it with valuable information that it could use to protect the Tapestry, as if it were a vigilant guardian watching over the sleeping giant.

The Dream Tree's connection to the Earth Realm had a profound impact on its magic. It allowed the tree to influence the physical world, shaping the dreams and destinies of mortals. But this connection also made the tree vulnerable to the Unraveler's influence, as the entity could exploit the tree's connection to the Earth Realm to spread its darkness, like a parasite feeding on its host.

The land of the Dream Realm seemed to shift and change around the Dream Tree as if drawn to its powerful presence. The dunes formed intricate patterns, the flowers bloomed in vibrant colors, and the air seemed to hum with a subtle energy. The Dream Tree was the heart of the Dream Realm, a source of life and vitality.

A Cosmic Infusion

The cosmic event that marked the birth of Louis had a profound impact on the Dream Tree. The surge of energy released during Louis's birth reverberated throughout the Tapestry, strengthening the tree's connection to the Dream Realm and empowering it with new abilities. It was as if the universe itself had recognized the significance of Louis's birth and had bestowed upon the Dream Tree a gift of immense power.

The infusion of cosmic energy made the Dream Tree even more powerful, enhancing its ability to resist the Unraveler's influence. It was like fortifying a castle with ancient magic, making it impervious to attack. The Dream Tree became a beacon of hope in a universe shrouded in darkness, a symbol of resistance against the Unraveler's malevolent forces.

The Dream Tree's connection to the Earth Realm also has implications for defeating the Unraveler. As a guardian of both the Dream Realm and the Earth Demisnsion, the tree can play a crucial role in combating the Unraveler's influence on both realms. By protecting the Earth Realm from the Unraveler's destructive forces, the tree can help to weaken the entity's power and ultimately defeat it.

The Dream Tree is more than just a guardian; it's a living weapon, a force for good in a universe besieged by evil. Its power is immense, its potential limitless. With the Dream Tree on their side, the Treasures have a fighting chance against the Unraveler.

This power, once harnessed by the Unraveler, could be a formidable weapon against the Dream Realm. Visus knew that he must protect the Dream Tree at all costs, lest the Unraveler gain control of its immense power.

The Unraveler's Threat

One night, as Visus was sleeping, he had a vivid dream. He saw a dark, shadowy figure standing before the Dream Tree, its tendrils reaching out towards the tree's trunk. The figure was the Unraveler in the form of a figured being, and it was draining the tree's life force.

The Dream Tree was sending Visus visions and messages telepathically. Visus woke up with a start, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that he had to act quickly. He alerted the other Keepers using his dream abilites and rushed to the Dream Tree.

When the other Keepers arrived, they found the Unraveler feeding on the Dream Tree. Morpheus being Visus there. Morpheus had a great sense. The Dream Engineer did not arrive. The Dream Tree being drained by the Unraveler, caused the engineer to weaken and disappear.

The Unraveler's tendrils were wrapped around the tree's trunk, sucking the life out of it. Visus and the other Keepers attacked the Unraveler, and a fierce battle ensued.

The Unraveler, sensing the Keepers' threat, lashed out with a wave of dark energy. The ground shook, and the sky darkened. The Keepers were overwhelmed, their magic failing to hold back the Unraveler's onslaught.

Just as it seemed that all was lost, a blinding light erupted from the Dream Tree. The Unraveler was thrown back, its tendrils shriveling and dying. The tree's aura pulsed with renewed energy, its power surging through the Dream Realm.

The Unraveler, enraged, launched a final attack. It lashed out at the Dream Tree, its tendrils reaching for the tree's heart. But the tree was protected by a shield of light, a barrier that the Unraveler could not penetrate, this was Morpheus.

With a final, desperate scream, the Unraveler retreated into the shadows. The Dream Realm was saved, but the battle was far from over. The Unraveler would return, stronger than ever before. And Visus knew that he would be ready to face it.

As the Unraveler retreated, Visus and the other Keepers breathed a sigh of relief. They had defeated the Unraveler, but the battle had taken its toll. Many of the Keepers were injured, and the Dream Realm was in disarray.

Just as it seemed that the danger had passed, a new threat emerged. A horde of Unraveler's minions, dark and twisted creatures, emerged from the shadows and attacked the Dream Tree. Visus and the other Keepers fought valiantly, but they were outnumbered and outmatched.

The Unraveler's minions were relentless, their attacks relentless. Visus, unleashed a torrent of flames upon the Unraveler's minions, hoping to drive them back. The flames danced and writhed around the creatures, but they seemed impervious to their heat. Sunny Bear, the Keeper of Nature, summoned a whirlwind that swept the minions away, but they quickly regrouped and attacked again.

Morpheus worked hard to protect the Dream Tree and fight off the Nightmare Lords and minions.

Just as it seemed as if the Dream Tree was doomed. The Unraveler's minions were closing in, their tendrils reaching out towards the tree. Just when it seemed that all was lost, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Dream Weaver.

Dream Weaver unleashed a wave of energy that swept through the Unraveler's minions, disintegrating them instantly. The Unraveler, sensing the threat, turned to face Dream Weaver. A fierce battle ensued, a clash of wills and powers that shook the very foundations of the Dream Realm.

However, the Unraveler, though defeated, was not destroyed. It retreated into the shadows, vowing to return and wreak havoc upon the Dream Realm. Visus and the other Keepers knew that their battle against the Unraveler was far from over. They must prepare for the day when the Unraveler will return, stronger than ever before.


Visus's Mastery

Visus's inferno desert is more than just a backdrop; it is a living, breathing entity, a realm of endless possibilities and terrifying challenges. Visus, as its master, possesses the ability to manipulate the desert's elements with incredible precision.

Sandstorms of Chaos: Visus can summon powerful sandstorms that can blind and disorient his opponents. These storms can be tailored to specific effects, such as creating a deafening roar, a blinding haze, or a chilling cold.

Mirage Manipulation: Visus can create and control mirages, leading his opponents astray with false visions of oases, cities, or even their own desires. He can make the desert seem endless, or he can shrink it down to a claustrophobic space.

Dune Manipulation: Visus can control the shifting sands of the desert, creating towering dunes that can block paths, bury enemies, or create deadly traps. He can also cause the dunes to collapse, burying his opponents in a torrent of sand.

Elemental Control: Visus can manipulate the elements of the desert, controlling the heat, the wind, and the very sand itself. He can create walls of fire, whirlwinds of sand, and even manipulate the temperature of the air.

Visus's mastery of the desert is absolute. He can create a landscape that is both beautiful and terrifying, a place where illusions and reality blur, and where danger lurks around every corner. His opponents will find it difficult to navigate the treacherous terrain he has created, and those who underestimate his power will pay the ultimate price.

Dante, as a Keeper of Dreams, possesses a unique set of abilities that he shares with other members of this ancient order. These abilities are rooted in their deep connection to the Dream Realm and their mastery of the cosmic energies that shape it.

Dream Manipulation: Keepers of Dreams can manipulate dreams in a variety of ways. They can create, alter, and control dreams, shaping the experiences of those who enter the Dream Realm. They can induce vivid dreams, nightmares, or prophetic visions, depending on their intentions.

Dream Reading: Keepers of Dreams can read the minds of others, delving into their deepest thoughts and desires. They can uncover hidden secrets, reveal hidden truths, and even manipulate the subconscious mind.

Dream Walking: Keepers of Dreams can enter the dreams of others, interacting with them in a dreamlike state. This ability allows them to guide, protect, or even confront individuals within their dreams.

Dream Weaving: Keepers of Dreams can weave intricate dream landscapes, creating entire worlds within the Dream Realm. They can design dream simulations, testing the minds and spirits of those who enter.

Dream Healing: Keepers of Dreams can use their powers to heal the minds and souls of others. They can treat trauma, alleviate suffering, and restore balance to the psyche.


Fortunes Of Treasures is a #NFT collective made of spirit animal animated tarot cards.

All Rights Reserved: Los Angeles-based Designer Marquis Love

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Marquis Love
Digital Artist & Motion Picture Creative
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