Fortunes Of Treasure - ( Sunny Bear ) ( Orange Deck No.1 )

Fortunes Of Treasures - ( Sunny Bear ) (Orange Deck No.1)

The Realm Shifter

Congratulations, you've made it this far. Though the destination is distant, there is no turning back. You've come across Sunny.

Sunny Bear, a brown bear with piercing eyes, is a creature unlike any other. He inhabits a liminal space, a void between the Earth Realm and the Dream Realm, where the boundaries of reality blur and the laws of nature are suspended. This unique existence grants him the ability to flow freely between these two realms, a power that sets him apart from all other beings.

The Tapestry's Child

Sunny Bear's Awakening

Sunny Bear stirred from a dream, his mind still swirling with the vivid images and sensations of the realm he had just left. He stretched, his limbs feeling heavy and unfamiliar after his sojourn in the Dream Realm. The liminal space between realms was a familiar sensation to him now, a comforting, almost homelike feeling, like a cozy blanket wrapped around his consciousness.

He stretched, his limbs feeling heavy and unfamiliar. Though this was his first time in this place the liminal space was a familiar sensation to him, a comforting, almost homelike feeling, like a cozy blanket wrapped around his consciousness. He could see the energy of the Dream Realm swirling around him, a vibrant tapestry of colors and sounds swiling through the crisp sky.

Sunny Bear took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the crisp, cool air of the Dream Realm. He could smell the scent of Aurora Daisy, and wildflowers, and he could hear the constant sound of windblowing, the hymns of dreams chatters.

The sun was just beginning to rise, casting long shadows across the forest floor. The sky was a breathtaking canvas of color, painted with hues of pink, orange, and purple. Sunny Bear took a moment to appreciate the beauty of his surroundings, the peace and tranquility of the Dream Realm.

Sunny a young, smart, and vibrant bear was a Dream Entity, born from the very fabric of the Tapestry. The cosmic web that connected the Jewel Realm to the Dream Realm was his mother, his father, his everything. He had always felt a deep connection to the Tapestry, a sense of belonging that was both exhilarating and overwhelming, like a bird soaring through the boundless expanse of the sky.

Sunny Bear stood up, his golden fur shimmering in the ethereal light of the liminal space. He could feel the energy of the Tapestry pulsing through him, a steady rhythm that matched the beating of his heart. He reached out with his mind, feeling the tendrils of the Tapestry stretching out in all directions, like a spider's web spun across the cosmos. He could sense the dreams of mortals, their hopes, fears, and desires, like a symphony playing in his mind.

The Dream Engineer and the Gateway

A sudden disturbance in the Tapestry caught Sunny's attention. It was a ripple in the fabric of reality, a disturbance that emanated from the Dream Realm. Sunny knew that something was amiss.

He sensed the presence of a powerful force, a powerful entity that was manipulating the Dream Realm with the precision of a skilled surgeon. It was the Dream Engineer, an extension of the Dream Tree, a creature of pure energy and consciousness. The Dream Engineer was free to move about the realm, while the Dream Tree remained rooted in its place, filtering the dreams of the creatures of the Dream Realm.

As Sunny watched, the Dream Engineer conjured a swirling vortex of energy. The vortex shimmered and pulsed, its iridescent colors a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues. It was a gateway to another realm, a portal to the Engineer's domain.

With a surge of courage, Sunny stepped through the vortex. The world around him seemed to dissolve, replaced by a swirling tunnel of light. He felt a sensation of weightlessness as if he were floating through space


When Sunny emerged from the tunnel, he found himself in a strange and unfamiliar place. The sky was a deep, inky black, dotted with stars that seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly light. The ground was a swirling mass of energy, its surface rippling and shifting like a liquid.

In the distance, Sunny saw a towering structure, a citadel of pure energy that seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality. It was the Dream Engineer's domain, a place of immense power and mystery.

The Dream Engineer was a creature of immense power, capable of shaping reality itself. It was a force to be reckoned with, and Sunny knew that he would need all of his strength and courage to defeat it. But he was determined to protect the Dream Realm, and he would do whatever it took to stop the Dream Engineer.

A Labyrinth of Dreams

The Dream Engineer's realm was a labyrinthine maze of twisting corridors and towering structures. The air was thick with the scent of dreams, a heady mixture of sweet and sour that filled his senses, like a fragrant bouquet of emotions.

A gaunt, ghostly figure, glowing white in the darkness, stood at the entrance of the Dream Realm. Its eyes glowed with an unnatural light, and a smirk played on its spectral lips. The dream engineer grew to mimic the features of the creatures of the Jewel. A ghostly figure of the creatures whose dreams pass through the Dream Tree. His being cast a soft glow in the brick-like entrace around him.

The Dream Engineer was more than just a creature of the Dream Realm. It was a manifestation of the realm itself, a power that had arisen from the birth of the Morpheus and the Dream Tree.

"Welcome to my domain, Sunny," the Dream Engineer said, its voice echoing eerily through the Dream Realm. "If you wish to pass, you must prove your worth."

The Labyrinth of the Dream Engineer

The Dream Engineer gestured towards the labyrinth. "Navigate these halls and solve the puzzles within," he said. "If you succeed, I will grant you what you seek."

Sunny Bear stepped into the labyrinth, the walls closing behind him. As he ventured deeper into the labyrinth, Sunny Bear encountered a variety of creatures. Some were hostile, attacking him on sight, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent. Sunny Bear had to use his wits and his strength to overcome these challenges, like a skilled warrior facing a horde of enemies.

The labyrinth was a maze of twisting corridors and dead ends. The walls were made of shimmering, iridescent brick, their colors shifting and changing like the aurora borealis. Wild vines grew down the walls. The air was thick with the scent of strange, exotic flowers, and the sound of dripping water echoed through the halls.

As Sunny Bear wandered through the labyrinth, he encountered a series of puzzles and challenges. He had to solve riddles, decipher codes, and navigate treacherous terrain. At one point, he had to cross a narrow bridge over a chasm of swirling, multicolored energy. At another point, he had to solve a complex puzzle involving the movement of celestial bodies.

At one point, he came across a giant, sleeping creature. The creature was a furry behemoth, its coat shimmering with psychedelic colors that shifted and changed with the light. Its snores were so loud that they shook the ground, creating ripples in the dream fabric. Sunny Bear knew he had to be careful. The creature's outstretched limbs were like giant, slumbering trees, and its sharp teeth glinted menacingly in the dim light.

A Clash of Dreams

Sensing Sunny's power, the creature awakened from its slumber, letting out a fearsome howl. Sunny, undeterred, confronted it. With a surge of energy, he formed a shimmering shield and approached cautiously. The creature stirred, roaring, its eyes filled with rage.

Without hesitation, Sunny launched himself at the creature, his shield deflecting its attacks. The creature swung its massive arms, but Sunny was too quick. He dodged the blows and struck the creature with a powerful punch. The creature stumbled backward, confused.

Seizing the opportunity, Sunny channeled more energy into his shield and struck again, aiming for its weak point. The creature let out a final roar before collapsing, defeated. Sunny stood over the beast, his breath heavy. He had conquered the creature, proving once again his mastery of the Dream Realm.

The Chamber of Dreams

Finally, Sunny Bear reached the end of the labyrinth. A massive, glowing door stood before him. He knew this was the final test. He reached out and touched the door, and it swung open, revealing a chamber filled with light.

In the center of the chamber, the Dream Engineer stood waiting. He looked at Sunny Bear with a knowing smile. "Of course, you passed the test," he said. "You were born for this. I merely needed to test your worthiness."

Sunny Bear was taken aback. He had not expected such a revelation. "You knew all along?" he asked.

The Dream Engineer nodded. "I have been watching you for some time," he replied. "I saw the potential within you. You are the one who will help protect the Dream Realm as it moves into a new era."

Sunny Bear was humbled by the Dream Engineer's praise. He had never considered himself so important. But now, he realized that his destiny was intertwined with the fate of the Dream Realm.

Sunny Bear smiled. "Thank you," he replied.

The Dream Engineer nodded. "As promised, I will grant you access to the Enchanted Forest," he said. "But there is one more thing I want to give you."

The Dream Engineer summoned magic and a glowing orb appeared. "This is a key," he said. "It will grant you access to the realm of the Keepers of Dreams."

Sunny Bear was intrigued. "What is the realm of the Keepers of Dreams?" he asked.

The Dream Engineer smiled. "It is a place where dreams are born and shaped," he replied. "It is a place of great power, but also great responsibility."

Sunny Bear nodded. He understood. "I will use this power wisely," he said.

The Dream Engineer nodded again. "I believe you will," he replied. "Now, go. The Enchanted Forest awaits you."

As Sunny Bear stepped through the portal, he found himself in a realm unlike any he had ever seen. The trees were alive with light, their leaves shimmering with a rainbow of colors. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the music of the wind.

Sunny Bear knew that he had entered a place of great power and magic. He was excited to explore the Enchanted Forest, to learn more about the Dream Realm, and to fulfill his destiny as a Keeper of Dreams.

Sunny Bear's Enchanted Forest Oasis

A Sanctuary of Dreams

Nestled beneath a giant Whispering Willows Tree, Sunny Bear's humble abode was a cozy den filled with the warmth of home. The walls were lined with shelves overflowing with books, some of which were ancient tomes with leather bindings and intricate gold lettering. Others were more whimsical, with colorful illustrations and titles that seemed to dance across the pages, like words painted on a canvas.

The den was also adorned with a collection of quirky trinkets and treasures that Sunny Bear had gathered on his adventures. There was a shimmering stone he had discovered while exploring a dreamland castle, a collection of feathers from dream birds that had landed on his windowsill, and a small, collection of wooden figurines of the whimsical creatures in the forest, these he had carved himself.

Scattered about the room were various other curiosities: a glass jar filled with glowing dreamflies, a collection of seashells that seemed to change color with the light, and a tiny, ticking clock that never seemed to lose time. The air was thick with the scent of pine needles and wildflowers, and the room was filled with a soft, ethereal glow, like a moonlit meadow bathed in moonlight.

From his den, Sunny Bear enjoyed a breathtaking view of the Enchanted Forest. His window offered a panoramic vista of the sprawling landscape, a canvas painted in vibrant hues. As the sun rose, casting long, dancing shadows across the forest floor, the sky was ablaze with colors – pinks, oranges, and purples that seemed to bleed into one another, like a painter's palette come to life.

It was a dreamy sky, soft and ethereal, like a watercolor painting come to life. The colors seemed to shimmer and dance, creating a kaleidoscope of hues that shifted and changed with every passing moment. The sky was so vibrant and intense that it almost felt tangible, as if you could reach out and touch it. It was a sky that inspired wonder and awe, a testament to the magical nature of the Dream Realm.

At night, the forest transformed into a celestial wonderland. The stars, bright and twinkling, seemed to hang low in the sky, almost within reach. Shooting stars streaked across the heavens, leaving trails of shimmering light in their wake. The moon, a luminous orb, cast an ethereal glow over the forest, illuminating the treetops and casting long, mysterious shadows.

The den was filled with the comforting wild fantasyflowers, intertwined with the faint, ethereal aroma of moonstone dust. The moonstone dust, a byproduct of the Whispering Willows Tree's magic, filled the air with a subtle, silvery scent that was both calming and invigorating. It was as if the tree itself was exhaling a gentle breath of magic, filling the den with a sense of peace and tranquility.

The Whispering Willows

Sunny Bear's forest home was a realm of pure enchantment, where the laws of physics seemed to bend and twist like willow branches in a gentle breeze. The towering Whispering Willows, their trunks slender and graceful like elongated palm tree trunks, stretched towards the sky. Their crowns were circular, resembling the tops of Dandelions, only these were leaves shaped like lily pads.

The Whispering Willows swayed and bent with the wind, their tops disappearing into the ethereal mist of the heavens. Their leaves, a kaleidoscope of colors, shimmered with iridescent hues that shifted and changed with the sunlight, as if reflecting the ever-shifting nature of dreams.

When the wind blew through the forest, the Whispering Willows would sway and bend, their trunks creaking and singing in a symphony of sounds. The sound they made was not merely the wind passing through leaves, but something more ethereal, a whisper that seemed to come from the very heart of the trees.

These were more than just plants. They were living, breathing entities, imbued with the magic of the Dream Realm. Some believed they were ancient beings, guardians of the forest who had witnessed the birth and evolution of the dream world. Others saw them as manifestations of the natural elements, their roots reaching deep into the earth and their branches reaching towards the heavens, like celestial antennae.

A Dreamy Bond

Sunny Bear quickly developed a deep connection with the Whispering Willows. He learned to communicate with them in a language of dreams, their words as ethereal as the mist that often shrouded the forest. The trees became his confidants, his teachers, and his protectors, their wisdom as vast as the endless expanse of the Dream Realm.

When faced with challenges or dangers, Sunny Bear would seek guidance from the Whispering Willows. They would offer him advice, their words as soft and comforting as the gentle breeze that rustled through their leaves. The trees could sense the intentions of others, their branches trembling with warning or pointing him towards opportunities, like silent sentinels.

Sunny Bear also learned to harness the power of the Whispering Willows for his own benefit. He could use their magic to create illusions, manipulate the environment, or even travel between realms. The trees became his allies, his partners in adventure, and his source of strength.

The Whispering Willows' Wisdom

One day, while exploring the depths of the forest, Sunny Bear stumbled upon a hidden grove of Whispering Willows. The trees were older and wiser than the ones he had encountered before, their trunks gnarled and twisted with age. Their leaves glowed with a soft, ethereal light, and their whispers were filled with the wisdom of centuries.

Sunny Bear knelt before the ancient trees, his heart filled with reverence. The Whispering Willows, their trunks gnarled and twisted with age, seemed to emanate an aura of wisdom and power. Their leaves glowed with a soft, ethereal light, casting dancing shadows on the forest floor.

Sunny Bear closed his eyes and listened. The Whispering Willows began to speak, their voices a gentle whisper carried on the breeze. They revealed to him the secrets of the Dream Realm, the history of the Whispering Willows, and the dangers that threatened their world.

Sunny Bear, touched by their wisdom, realized the Whispering Willows' importance. They were a source of knowledge, a treasure trove of information about the Dream Realm.

The Whispering Willows guided Sunny Bear, offering advice and protection. They revealed hidden passages, warned of dangers, and even manipulated the landscape to aid him. Their roots extended deep into the Dream Realm, anchoring it to reality, and their influence was felt throughout the Enchanted Forest.

The Whispering Willows revealed to Sunny Bear that a powerful being named Morpheus had played a vital role in their creation and growth. Morpheus, the Keeper of Dreams, had explored the Dream Realm and built the Kingdom where Sunny resided.

The Whispering Willows helped to maintain the balance of the Dream Realm. They filtered the energy that flowed through the Dream Realm, purifying it and preventing the spread of darkness. They also helped to regulate the flow of dreams, ensuring that the dreams of mortals were healthy and balanced.

Sunny Bear listened intently, his mind racing with thoughts and questions. He realized that the Whispering Willows were a source of immense wisdom, a treasure trove of knowledge about the Dream Realm. He knew that he must protect them at all costs, for their survival was essential to the well-being of the Dream Realm.

With the help of the Whispering Willows, Sunny Bear is able to overcome countless obstacles and achieve his goals. The Willows are his allies, his partners in adventure, and his lifeline to the Dream Realm. Their influence is felt throughout the Enchanted Forest, shaping the landscape and protecting those who live within it.

The Whispering Willows, with their roots stretching deep into the Dream Realm, had a profound influence on the environment around them. Through telepathic communication, they could manipulate the landscape, creating shortcuts, removing obstacles, or altering the very fabric of the dream world.

When Sunny Bear found himself trapped in the labyrinth, the Whispering Willows worked tirelessly to aid him. They released a dream vapor that clouded the minds of the creatures guarding the maze, causing them to become disoriented and confused. They telepathically guided Sunny Bear towards hidden passages, revealing shortcuts and avoiding dangerous areas. They even summoned gentle breezes that carried him towards the exit, guiding him through the labyrinth's winding corridors.

Sunny Bear, the Riddle Master

Sunny Bear, the guardian of his enchanted forest, was a creature of enigma and paradox, a riddle wrapped in a mystery, a puzzle within a puzzle. On the surface, he appeared as a playful and mischievous bear, delighting in teasing and challenging those who crossed his path.

But beneath his jovial exterior, Sunny Bear was a wise and insightful creature, capable of great depth and understanding. He had a keen sense of humor and a love of wordplay, using riddles as a way to test the minds of those who sought to enter his domain. Sunny Bear was the entry point to the Dream Realm. A guide into the realm.

His riddles were not just puzzles; they were works of art, filled with clever wordplay and hidden meanings, like treasure chests waiting to be unlocked.

Sunny Bear's riddles could be playful or profound, depending on his mood. Some were simple tests of logic, while others were philosophical puzzles that challenged the very nature of reality. But all of Sunny Bear's riddles were designed to test the wit and intelligence of those who encountered them.

"I’m born of thoughts, yet I’m often lost. I’m sought by many, yet I’m rarely caught. I can be wild, or calm and deep. I’m yours to keep, or watch me drift." - A Dream.

The Realm Shifter

Sunny Bear's ability to flip the realms was a testament to his mastery of the Tapestry, a delicate fabric woven from dreams and reality. With a simple gesture, he could transport individuals from the Earth Realm to the Dream Realm and vice versa, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy, like a skilled weaver shifting the patterns of a tapestry.

Sunny Bear could use his ability to lock opponents in the void between realms, trapping them in a timeless limbo. This was a terrifying fate, as those trapped in the void were cut off from the Tapestry and left to wander aimlessly through an endless expanse of nothingness. The void was a place of despair and isolation, a realm where time had no meaning and hope was extinguished, like a star lost in the blackness of space.

Alternatively, Sunny Bear could send his opponents into the distant outer limits of the Dream Realm, leaving them lost in their own minds, forever wandering through an endless expanse of dreams. This was a cruel and unusual punishment, as those trapped in this realm were forced to relive their worst nightmares or become trapped in a never-ending cycle of repetitive dreams.

Sunny Bear's ability to flip the realms was a testament to his power and his understanding of the Tapestry. It was a tool that he used with both precision and mercy, depending on the situation. He could use it to save lives, to punish the wicked, or simply to play a harmless prank. But one thing was certain: Sunny Bear's ability to flip the realms was a force to be reckoned with.

Sunny Bear was also the gatekeeper of the Dream Realm, where the Keepers of Dreams resided. These powerful beings possessed the ability to control dreamscapes, shaping the dreams of mortals and influencing their subconscious minds. Sunny Bear's guardianship of the Dream Realm was essential for maintaining the delicate balance between the two realms.

Those who encountered Sunny Bear were often left with a sense of wonder and intrigue. His enigmatic nature and his ability to manipulate the realms made him a memorable and unforgettable figure. As participants venture deeper into the Dream Realm, they will come to rely on Sunny Bear's guidance and his unique abilities.


Fortunes Of Treasures is a #NFT collective made of spirit animal animated tarot cards.

All Rights Reserved: Los Angeles-based Designer Marquis Love

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Marquis Love
Digital Artist & Motion Picture Creative
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