Suite Case Study

Product Design & Brand Identity Case Study: Suite

The Client: Suite

A tech startup looking to break into the wedding industry, Suite needed a website and marketplace app to begin building brand awareness and get users on their MVP.

Primary Goal

Design a brand that catches the eye of couples/vendors and a product that reflects Suite's mission of simplifying the wedding planning process.

The Objectives

Brand Design – Logo, typography, iconography, color palette, use cases, brand voice, and social media continuity. Inspired by 60's/70's graphic design and advertising. The vibe should be cheeky, unorthodox, and make visitors want to be a part of the revolution.

Product Design, Website – A simple, highly informative website for prospective users to learn about the business, the MVP, and build a highly participatory community. The website is meant to inform and point visitors directly to the app.

Product Design, App — A two-sided marketplace for Couples and Vendors to simply find and book each other without unnecessary red tape. Couples can send out RSVPs, build a registry, and plan every event. Vendors can search for Couples, manage their calendar, and easily withdraw their money.

More by Aaron Barrett

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