MONDIS Thrift shop - Brand Identity

Thrift shop - Brand Identity logo design


Mondis, an emerging second-hand store in Romania, faced the challenge of distinguishing themselves in a saturated market dominated by competitors like remixshop and humana. Their mission was to go beyond being just another thrift store and to establish themselves as a brand that resonated deeply with sustainability and love for nature.


[email protected]

Brand designer:

Thrift shop - Brand Identity label design
Thrift shop - Brand Identity stationary
Thrift shop - Brand Identity box design
Thrift shop - Brand Identity social media
Thrift shop - Brand Identity packaging
Thrift shop - Brand Identity brand book
Thrift shop - Brand Identity logo

What we've done

Logo Construction: For Mondis, we crafted a logo that integrated their commitment to sustainability and nature, represented by the color palette and symbols.

Brand Color Palette: We selected a fresh blend of light green and orchid pink, evoking feelings of renewal, nature, and uniqueness, setting Mondis distinctly apart from its competitors.

Logo Usage Guide: We ensured the logo's versatility by providing a comprehensive guideline for its application across diverse platforms, ensuring consistent branding.

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