Eggcellent Organic Eggs Branding

Eggcellent Organic Eggs Branding & Visual Identity

Strategy, Visual Identity & Packaging Design


Logo design

Brand book

Label and boxes packaging design

Marketing materials

Social media

Web design

Web development

[email protected]

eggcellent organic eggs logo design
eggcellent organic eggs visual identity packaging design
eggcellent organic eggs  packaging design visual identity
eggcellet organic eggs website design

Eggcellent was created with love and passion by a family of farmers dedicated to producing organic and healthy eggs without compromising the environment.

However, they realized that producing quality products alone was not enough. It was essential to differentiate them and present them in a memorable and coherent way to attract and retain consumers.

Eggcellent contacted us to develop a visual identity that would reflect their values and market positioning. We started by gaining a deeper understanding of the organic egg market and the consumption habits of their potential customers. We analyzed the trends and preferences of these customers, identified both direct and indirect competitors, and developed a brand positioning strategy for Eggcellent.

The visual identity was implemented across all aspects of their business, from packaging to their online and offline presence. This created consistency and recognition for the Eggcellent brand.

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