Branding and Packaging Design for Organic Dog Treat Brand

Organic dog treats packaging design mockup

Ollie & Fox, organic dog treat company, aimed to provide pet owners with premium-quality treats made from natural ingredients. With a commitment to transparency and sustainability, Ollie & Fox sought to establish itself as a trusted brand in the pet food industry, catering to health-conscious consumers seeking wholesome treats for their furry companions.

ollie & fox, organic dog treats. Branding and Packaging design for organic dog treat company


The primary goal was to develop a distinctive brand identity and logo that would reflect Ollie & Fox's commitment to organic ingredients, natural goodness, and canine companionship, while evoking a sense of playfulness and warmth.


Extensive research into the pet food market, consumer preferences, and competitor branding informed the design process. Inspired by the playful nature of dogs and the organic quality of the treats, I conceptualised a logo that incorporated the '&' symbol with bones to relate directly to dogs while using rough edging font and styling to convey the organic and natural ingredients.

two dogs playing together. Promo marketing photo for ollie & fox natural organic dog treat brand

Concept Development:

The concept of the logo centred around capturing the essence of companionship and natural goodness. By integrating the '&' symbol with bones, the logo symbolised the bond between pet owners and their dogs while emphasising the organic nature of the treats. The use of rough edging font and styling further reinforced the brand's commitment to natural ingredients and authenticity.

Design Execution:

Drawing upon rustic design elements, I crafted a playful and inviting logo featuring the '&' symbol intertwined with bone shapes. The use of rough edging font and styling added texture and depth, enhancing the organic and natural feel of the brand. Warm, earthy tones were chosen to evoke a sense of comfort and wholesomeness, appealing to pet owners who prioritise their pet's well-being.

The project exemplified the successful integration of playful design elements with a commitment to natural ingredients and canine companionship. the logo effectively communicated the brand's values of organic goodness and pet-friendly fun, positioning Ollie & Fox as a beloved choice for health-conscious pet owners.

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