UX design for P2E Crypto Game

BitBots is a crypto Play-2-Earn game based on the Robot Fights. User will mint Robot Kit that consists of 7 parts, then assemble a robot from them and send it to the Tournament with other robots.

Project was made from scratch starting with Research, Personas, Logic and Wireframes.


For Bit Bots were created 3 personas. Personas have their names, background stories and a set of relevant details that make them realistic and relatable. Also for each persona there is a scenario of their behaviour and interaction with site.

User Flow

User Flow shows us the actions that will be made within the site. From this extensive User Flow we can see site pages as well as all of the interactions. The best thing about it is that all flow changes can be done on this stage.

Groovy Minx
Web3 UX. NFT. 3D. Product design Team

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