Roti Alani Logo

This is redesign logo from Roti Alani brand. Roti Alani its brand for bread from Bandung, Indonesia. Roti Alani's logo consists of shapes and texts. The shape of brown bread is a characteristic of their company is a bread company, and brown can represent toast.

This logo represents the mission of the company, which is to nourish the

the nation by making nutritious bread. Healthy here is represented with a curved line, from the letter A to the shape of the bread. As healthy is very synonymous with natural things, and the pattern that represents it is a curved line pattern. The font chosen also represents the word healthy itself.

The brown color chosen as the dominant color here also not only represents toast. Brown is synonymous with something that something that has lasted a long time. The brown color here represents the company Roti Alani which has been established since 1950. The company is still survive until now.

The system grid makes measuring the logo easier, and also does not change the original size. This way is expected to help for making the Roti Alani logo in the future.

The unit is X, which is taken from a circle with a diameter of

1cm, (X = 1 unit). How to make the shape of the bread by measuring along 6 pieces of X, and combining 3x and 4x circles, for the small arch using 0.5x, and to get a curved shape above the bread using a 10x circle. above the bread using a 10x circle


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