Brand Insights Data App

Hello Dribbble fam! 🚀

I'm thrilled to present my latest design—a mobile application that simplifies the tracking of your brand's mentions across the globe. 🌎

On the first screen, you can select your information source (General, Social Media, News Portals) and choose your desired analysis period (Day, Week, Month, Year).

The dynamic graph vividly illustrates the fluctuations in brand mentions.

As you scroll down, you can dive deeper into the growth trends of your brand's mentions on social networks and in the media, and gain insight into the context surrounding these mentions. 🔍

A well-organized table, sorted by country, enables you to spot regional changes and assess the sentiment behind these mentions in terms of percentages. 📈

If my design caught your eye, don't forget to show some love with a ❤️ and share your thoughts in the comments! 💬

My Behance: vasilisaoberiut

My Gmail: [email protected]

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