#DailyUI-001 | Sign up page

Daily-001 - Sign up page

Prompt: Sign Up

Create a sign up page, modal, form, or app screen related to signing up for something. It could be for a volunteer event, contest registration, a giveaway, or anything you can image.

I choose to pay tribute to Caroline Girvan, an online coach who posted many great and insane workouts (her youtube channel here).

I used one of the graphic charts she uses for each of her training programs.

The call-to-action is one of her signatures : she always begin her workout with that ! 😁 (she uses a typography like this)

Feel free to make some feedbacks (good or bad) !

Mes services

Freelance Wordpress & SEO basée sur Paris, j'aide les petites entreprises et associations dans la refonte de leur site web et leur référencement naturel.

Plus concrètement :

👉 Création/Refonte de site internet Wordpress + création de visuels

👉 Création de Landing-page

👉 Optimisation du référencement web (On-page SEO)


Contactez moi directement sur LinkedIn ou sur Malt !

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Posted on Sep 29, 2023

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