Figma Wireframing Kit 2.0

Cover image of a wireframe components kit in Figma

Introducing my new Figma Wireframe Kit! Built by a design systems specialist and Figma Community Advocate.

πŸ’  Over 200 modular components suitable for desktop, tablet, and mobile design projects.

πŸŽ›οΈ Props like block/scribble/text styles (depending on the level of fidelity desired) without needing to drill down into layers.

🎨 Variables for easy customization options

πŸ‘οΈ AA contrast on all key elements

πŸ“ƒ Desktop & mobile page "starter" templates (more coming soon...)

πŸš€ Read more on Product Hunt to learn about the story behind it.

What folks are saying:

β€’ Ever had to wireframe a TABLE? 🀬 > πŸ₯³ using this kit! It's 100% worth the $15 to buy back my time and reduce the cursing while working on early-stage projects. Created for Designers in Figma by a Designer Advocate for Figma, @megaroeny knows his stuff + he's a gem of a human

β€’ Must have taken ages to plan out and create the components props and variables for all these components! Just look at @megaroeny's video to see all the details that have been put into it.

β€’ Such an amazing Figma resource to make wireframing into an easy process!!

Grab your copy over on the Figma Community page. Feedback is welcome.

ℹ️ Updates like more components and templates will be coming soon. Stay-tuned!


If you enjoy using this resource, please consider leaving a 🌟 rating on Figma. It would really help me out! Thanks for your interest and support!

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