Changelog page - Bia

👋 Hey there, Dribbble fam!

This is the design for the Bia changelog/status page.

See it live:

🎯 The Goal

The essence of this design is to graphically showcase the stage Bia's team is at in the product's creation journey. My aim is to instill confidence in buyers by transparently indicating the current progress, helping them feel assured that Bia will be finished and delivered on time.

🎨 Design Choices

I employed visual storytelling techniques to articulate this information in an intuitive manner. My design choices are geared towards reducing cognitive load and making it straightforward for users to gauge the timely progression.

I'd be thrilled to hear your thoughts!

Press "L" if you like it ❤️ Thanks!

[email protected]

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Cristian Luchian
I use strategy and creativity for timeless design.

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