Online Educational Platform for JS Developers
CodeTrainer is a dynamic online educational platform designed for JS software developers. Within this platform users have the opportunity to share their knowledge and skills through the engaging activity of solving programming puzzles. Users can contribute by adding their unique challenges and organizing them into collections. Additionally, the platform offers a rich array of features, including feedback collection, clan formation, and competition for esteemed positions within the community.
UI Kit
Create a UI Kit that would establish a uniform visual language across the entire platform.
Persona - Fred
Including a persona like Fred Flintstone show cases the need to design user-friendly and engaging experiences for individuals with diverse backgrounds and needs.
There was a user research conducted to understand the preferences and needs of CodeTrainer's diverse user base.
The feedback and insights from user testing were incorporated to ensure the redesign caters to both novice learners and experienced coders.
The gamification elements were designed in CodeTrainer to bring more engagement and motivation for users.
There were a point system, badges, and leaderboards introduced to encourage users to complete coding challenges and compete with others.
Gamification elements contributed to higher user engagement, with users spending more time on the platform and competing with each other.
The consistent UI improved user comprehension and navigation, reducing user confusion.
User satisfaction was increased and the changes led to a surge in positive user reviews.