KIHOMAC Inc: Programs Catalog

KIHOMAC Inc., a versatile and innovative company, enlisted my design expertise to create a captivating catalog intended for distribution at trade shows. The catalog was envisioned as a concise yet comprehensive glimpse into the diverse programs within the company, serving as an informative and engaging touchpoint for potential clients and collaborators. The objective was to create a design that is both visually appealing and informative, balancing aesthetics with clarity of information.


  • To design a succinct and visually compelling catalog that provides a sneak peek into the various programs offered by KIHOMAC Inc.

  • To ensure that the catalog serves as an effective promotional tool at trade shows, attracting attention and sparking interest among attendees.

  • To create a layout that is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing readers to easily navigate through the catalog and absorb information on the company’s diverse offerings.

Catalog Design

The catalog was crafted with precision and attention to detail, combining vibrant visuals with concise, well-articulated content. Each page offers a snapshot of a different program, utilizing a mix of engaging images and succinct text to convey the essence of each offering. The layout is clean and organized, ensuring easy readability and quick absorption of information.

To align with the purpose of trade show distribution, the catalog was designed to be lightweight and easy to carry, yet durable enough to withstand handling by multiple readers. Its compact size and attractive design make it an ideal handout, encouraging attendees to explore KIHOMAC Inc.’s wide range of innovative programs.

Typography & Color Palette

The typography selected for the catalog is sleek and modern, chosen for its readability and ability to convey information efficiently. The color palette is a harmonious blend of the company’s brand colors, combining bold and subtle hues to create a visually stimulating experience. These design choices work in tandem to reflect KIHOMAC Inc.’s identity and the innovative nature of their programs.


The resulting catalog has been highly effective as a trade show promotional tool, drawing attention and facilitating conversations around KIHOMAC Inc.’s programs. The balance of striking visuals and clear, concise content has made it a popular item among attendees, serving as a tangible representation of the company's diverse offerings. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the catalog’s ability to showcase the breadth of KIHOMAC Inc.'s capabilities in a succinct and attractive manner. The success of this project has reinforced the value of well-designed, informative collateral in promoting company programs and engaging potential clients and collaborators at industry events.

Curie Ganio
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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