💸 NewRetirement - Pricing Page
Hey all 👋🏼,
I've got tasked to overhaul one of the most important pages of the NewRetirement’s marketing website, the Pricing Page. As metrics showed, the end result was a revamped interface that not only looked great, but also provided a more seamless and intuitive experience for users, growing 400% in the conversion rates for the PlannerPlus & Basic plan in the first 3 months.
Helping people achieve financial wellness
Since NewRetirement was founded, we've talked to hundreds of people that was struggling at building and making the most of retirement. We asked them about the biggest problems they face and what keeps them up at night. We listened. And we acted.
NewRetirement is used by millions of individuals and deployed through business partners like Nationwide, MarketWatch, and others.
This is just the beginning!
More chapters of NewRetirement awaits, soon I'll be posting other snippets of my work here: several features and lots of design system work such as tokens, components, documentation. Stay tuned 🎧
That's all for this one. Thank you for scrolling all the way down here 🙏
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Liked what you saw? I'm always on a lookout for amazing projects!
Stay in touch, drop me a line at [email protected].
My website @ Lefe.me