Rainbow's End

Rainbow Gold Coins

Celtic gold coins are unusually shaped: Rather than appearing flat like those we use today, the newfound gold pieces are curved and almost resemble small cups. Sometime between the Middle Ages and the 18th century by some estimates — coins of this type earned the nickname regenbogenschüsselchen, which translates to rainbow cups from German.

It’s a fitting name for bits of gold that were often stumbled upon in plowed fields after a particularly heavy rainfall; their concave shape may even have allowed rain to pool within them, reflecting the sunshine and making them easier to spot. They were like miniature pots of gold, the perfect size for diminutive leprechauns.

Popular belief held that rainbows, a common sight after a drizzle, left the coins behind wherever they touched the earth. They were even thought by some to bring good luck or good health.

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Jon Buckley
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