Multipage website - Ukrainian School


Hi ! My name is Daria Ageeva and I am a freelance UX&Ui designer. You can reach me at 📨[email protected]

Project description:


1) As first - to create new brand identity ( name, logo, colors, fonts, design elements) and style guide

2) Create a new custom multiple page website from scratch

3) Mobile Adaptive


- Client had no vision over the new look of school pages. We had to work on multiple samples to understand the direction

- Limited content available ( photo, data, testimonials)

- Bilingual page ( UA / CZ)

Project steps and tasks for multi page website for Ukranian school
home page of school website design
mobile adaptives of school website design
about school page home page of school website design
colors and typography home page of school website design
Programs page home page of school website design
site map and contact form home page of school website design
wireframe home page of school website design
mobile adaptives home page of school website design

Thank you for watching!

Contact me

For any collaboration and projects request please contact me at [email protected]

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