drummersuperstore.com || The Music Store | E-Commerce Superstore

Initial discovery of the layout, traffic, sales, and conversions brought to my attention that people were bouncing significantly. No one seems to be able to find a landing spot through all the artwork on the page. There was no white-space. It actually LOOKED good in my opinion, but it wasn't performing to standards required to stay in business!!!

Many Revisions Later . . .

They had to get to the flashy graphics minimized for optimization purposes and they wanted to present a generally more minimalistic layout. I quickly started removing elements to see what they could keep vs what they could live without.

Inevitably, after much trial and error, and A/B testing the conversion rates with Analytics, we discovered folks navigated much better with an easier to read NAV bar (one that doesn't have 20 options). Beyond that the breathing room and extra spacing/padding provided a sense of comfort that showed with the nearly 12% increase in conversions. All and all, even the traffic had picked up 45% and sales this year will indeed top a new record for the company.

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