Eventow - Event App

Hello Dribbbles 🙌

I am excited to share the Mobile App Design I've been working on for a Event App called Eventow. Let's check this out!

Overview 👀

Eventow is your go-to event discovery and management app, designed to make finding and attending events easier and more enjoyable than ever before. Whether you're looking for concerts, sports games, art exhibitions, or community gatherings, Eventow connects you with the best events in your area and beyond in one convenient platform.

Challenges ⚔️

Make the design different from other competitors like Eventbrite, tiket.com and many more, And make the design style more clean and easy to use.

Solutions 😎

For the design, I'll make the design cleaner, and I combine it with the gradient in the detail ticket. For the homepage, I combined blue colours with labels like Concert, Sport, Festival and Theater to easily find the event. I added Popular Event to Upcoming event to easily find the event, and users can favourite the event.

We are available for Event apps, Event websites and SaaS websites, and similar niche app projects. Want to collaborate? Email us at [email protected] and visit our website elux.space

❤️ Press L if you like this project! We will appreciate any feedback!

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Elux Space
Designing Digital Products That Work Together

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