Samteslo Font

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Gallery of Samteslo Font

Making of Samteslo Font

Embarking on the journey of creating a font is like venturing into a realm where art meets precision. As the designer behind the captivating Samteslo font, I am thrilled to share the enthralling story of its creation, from its humble origins as an Illustrator shape to the refined and cohesive typeface it has become.

Inspiration and Ideation: Every design process begins with a spark of inspiration. For Samteslo, this inspiration emerged from a combination of geometric shapes, fluid lines, and a desire to create a font that exuded both elegance and modernity. The initial ideation phase involved sketching out rough concepts, experimenting with different shapes, and envisioning how these elements would come together cohesively.

Illustrator's Playground: Adobe Illustrator served as my playground, allowing me to breathe life into the initial ideas. I meticulously transformed these ideas into vector shapes, refining each curve, angle, and junction. This stage marked the fusion of creativity and precision, as every stroke contributed to the font's unique identity.

Shape Refinement: A font's personality emerges through its shapes. The transition from initial concepts to refined characters required continuous refinement. I paid close attention to consistency in stroke widths, alignment, and proportions. This phase demanded an eye for detail, as subtle adjustments had a profound impact on the overall visual harmony.

Kerning and Spacing: Creating a font goes beyond individual characters; it extends to the space between them. I meticulously fine-tuned kerning, adjusting the spacing between letter pairs to eliminate awkward gaps and overlaps. This step was pivotal in enhancing the font's flow and coherence.

How to get The Samteslo Font

Usage & Licensing:

Samteslo Font is free for personal use only.  However, if you required the font for commercial purposes, please reach out to [email protected] for commercial licensing inquiries.


Email: [email protected]

Phone: +8801794790598

Production Under Produced under the banner of, Samteslo Font is more than just a typeface. It's a celebration of English culture and heritage, encapsulated in a font that's both modern and rooted in tradition.

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