Drama in Panama – web series
The third stage of the web series "Drama in Panama" includes:
Web design 📐, Animation ✂️ and Coding ⌨️
Jack London – writer
Ivaylo Alekseev – screenplay
Mirela and Deyan Sedlarski – directors
The "Drama in Panama" has become a web series that combines cinema, comics and a computer game into one.
Free Layout: Comic art offers a more flexible layout instead of a fixed frame in cinema. Panels can vary in size, shape, and arrangement on the page. This allows for creative control over pacing, emphasis, and visual impact.
Temporal Experience: Comics layout of "Drama in Panama" allow readers to control the pace of their experience. Readers can linger on a panel to absorb details or jump between panels to anticipate events. Time is experienced differently as readers actively participate in constructing the narrative sequence.
Engagement and Immersion: Interactive web series offer a higher level of engagement and immersion. Viewers become active participants in the storytelling process, which can lead to a more personalized and memorable experience.
Technical Implementation: Interactive web series often require sophisticated technology to seamlessly integrate the choices made by viewers into the narrative. This might involve complex coding and scripting to ensure a smooth and responsive experience.