Design for Zen Fasting App | Dark Theme - Intermittent Fasting

Hey there, design aficionados! Prepare to be enchanted by our latest endeavor – the Zen Fasting App's dark-themed design, a journey into a captivating visual realm. β°πŸŒ‘

Client: Zen Fasting App

Project: Intermittent Fasting Tracker in Dark Theme

Challenge: Redefine Zen Fasting's design with an immersive dark aesthetic.

Solution: Our designers orchestrated a mesmerizing dark-themed experience. Harmonious contrast, soothing visuals, streamlined interactions.

🌌 Experience: A visual treat that enhances focus and user engagement.

🌟 Ready to Dive into the Dark Side? Yearning for a captivating dark-themed design? Let's converse!

πŸ“§ Reach out to us at [email protected] or book a call

[email protected]
Painting with Pixels and Dreams ‡