Product Design - Succeed App


Succeed, founded by Jens Heitland, former Global Head of Innovation Centres of IKEA, is on a mission to revolutionize leadership development in the startup market. Currently, providing leadership bootcamps for startup founders through offline and online (website) channels worldwide, the objective is to design an app that resonates with the company's vision and can extend its market reach.

This app will reimagine how managers enhance their leadership skills by integrating gamification for enhanced effectiveness. Going beyond the app, the initiative envisions a holistic leadership platform filled with educational resources, developmental tools, and operational templates.

The ultimate aim of the app is to empower leaders, elevating their skills and operational capabilities. This innovative approach injects vitality and engagement into the process of unlocking leadership potential for startup founders, ultimately contributing to the success of their companies.

My role

Following the Scrum framework, we ensure alignment with the client on all project deliverables and execute them within a two-week timeframe, encompassing two sprints.

Working within the Design Thinking methodology, we incorporated various tools to enhance the project's outcomes. This included creating 3D AI images and utilizing Heatmaps, a visual representation that shows where users interact the most on a digital interface, highlighting areas of high user engagement and interaction to select the most user-friendly design.

Additionally, motivated by the urge to explore new horizons, particularly considering the release of Apple Vision Pro in the same month, we questioned: How could Succeed be integrated into Apple Vision Pro? This prompted the creation of a spatial design concept for the app as well.

Thus, this project encompassed ideation, execution, and exploration of a new design integration, serving the client with both an MVP and conceptual design.

Throughout the entirety of the project, I undertook the following tasks: user research, competitive analysis, benchmark, creation of user personas and user journey, project definition, visual competitive analysis, moodboard, style guide, design system, 3d AI designs, as well as the iterative creation of low, mid, and high-fidelity prototypes and testing.

The challenge

The objective was the creation of an MVP leadership app for startup founders, incorporating gamified learning aligned with Succeed's principles and a revitalized branding approach.

Behind the design

Designing with methodology

Before moving to solutions, our focus was on aligning customer problems with business goals, so we chose to utilize the Double Diamond Framework to guide our design process.

To kick off the process, we delved into primary and secondary research, actively identifying challenges and immersing in the users and market perspective through empathetic exploration.

Placing the user at the core of the design process, we ensured the decisions were in alignment with the business objectives and desires. This iterative approach enabled us to precisely identify critical needs and pain points, forming the foundational basis for the design efforts.

Throughout the journey, we consistently tested and refined solutions, showcasing them in order to achieve the most optimal results.

01 Research and empathize phase

The first phase of the UX/UI process involved comprehensive research with the client, current customers of Succeed, and potential clients.

The first step was conducting a one-on-one interview with the client, who provided valuable insights into the business, the target audience, the goals, and the expectations of the MVP based on his knowledge. The app should focus on startup founders navigating funding rounds A to C, often with technical backgrounds but limited team leadership experience.

Further research involved a survey of startup founders and managers in various incubators and accelerator programs, both with and without experience leading their startups. The collected data revealed their preferred app features. Notably, gamification and progress monitoring ranked high, reflecting their competitive spirit. Additionally, a desire for challenges and practical examples emerged, and we also noticed that founders are yearning for connections with peers.

Three in-depth user interviews, with founders already familiar with the offline and online programme, each lasting 60 minutes, added depth to the insights gathered, enhancing the empathetic foundation for the design and the need to make the app useful for their day-to-day problems.

Market research was also conducted to understand trends and potential differentiators, informing the app's positioning and functionality.

Market insights

Market research was also conducted to understand trends and potential differentiators, informing the app's positioning and functionality. Startup failure is a significant issue, impacting 90% of new ventures.

The study "Startup Failure Post-Mortems 2023" by CB Insights, a notable venture capital database, sheds light on leadership-related challenges as major contributors to these failures:

  • Inexperience among founders or leaders stands out, leading to flawed decisions, lack of adaptability, and team conflicts.

  • The struggle to execute plans is another key hurdle, affecting even promising startups.

To tackle these problems, the plan is to provide accessible leadership content inspired by the Startup Leader Index combined with the extended expertise of Jens Heitland and his team. This scientifically-backed tool, led by experts, aims to equip aspiring leaders with skills and insights to enhance startups' chances of success. These insights emphasize the need for targeted strategies to address leadership and execution challenges in the startup ecosystem.

02 Define

User persona & User Journey

From the collected data, the persona of Lucas emerged. Representing various challenges and motivations, Lucas transitioned from software development to a startup CEO/co-founder, valuing leadership skills. He actively seeks self-improvement. Notably, he disengages from non-interactive content and grapples with decision paralysis in team management. The persona of Lucas informs design decisions to address these issues.

This data-driven process not only created Lucas's persona but also shaped his user journey. Opportunities to aid his leadership growth include effective delegation tools, one-to-one sessions, leadership content, flexible learning, and simulations. Tailored guidance on delegation and respecting his schedule could enhance his leadership abilities. These insights underpin a user journey tailored to Lucas's needs.

Problem statement and How Might We

During the Define phase, the focus transitioned to comprehending the specific issue and its driving factors, resulting in a clear problem statement that guided us towards precision, aligning design efforts with user needs and offering a measurable reference for creating user-centred solutions. This was accompanied by the How Might We question to transform the problem into a solution: "How can we design a user-centric solution that enhances the leadership skills of startup leaders to drive growth and success?"

03 Ideation

Ingredients for the MVP

In order to decide which key features will be developed for the app MVP we used MoSCoW method, a prioritization technique that categorizes features into four levels of importance: Must-Have, Should-Have, Could-Have, and Won't-Have (this time), aiding in determining the focus of development efforts.

03 Sitemap, User Flow and prototypes

Firstly, a site map was established to outline the app's structure and navigation. The fusion of insights accumulated from prior phases played a pivotal role in crafting a user flow that resonates with users' needs and app objectives.

We conducted concept testing to assess the viability of our ideas. This involved presenting our concepts to potential users and gathering their feedback to ensure our direction was on track. Following that, we conducted usability testing, which involved interacting with real users. We tested our app with different groups of people, observing how they navigated through the app and identifying any pain points or areas that needed improvement. This iterative process of testing and gathering insights allowed us to refine our design based on actual user experiences, ensuring that our app aligns seamlessly with user needs and expectations.

UI Phase

Before delving into the high-fidelity prototypes, the first step was to establish the new branding for Succeed. This began with the creation of a moodboard and the definition of brand attributes.

The exploration began by delving into the etymology of the word "succeed," tracing it back to its Latin origin "succedere," which conveys the notion of moving forward or following a path.

Drawing inspiration from nature, we examined the process of growth from seeds beneath the soil to flourishing trees and forests, paralleling the journey of startups.

Moreover, deriving from nature, the leadership qualities of wolves—solitary creatures that flourish in groups under the guidance of a single leader—were taken as a reference for leadership attributes. Additionally, the glass architecture symbolizes transparency, a core value, while reflecting the sky and CEO mindset.

Infusing innovation, we integrated the essence of Apple Vision Pro and the Silicon Valley show, embodying the spirit of progress and evolution that we envision for the brand.

Style Tile

After completing a visual competitive analysis, we proceeded to craft a style tile. This style tile encapsulates the essence of our design direction, featuring key visual elements such as colour palettes, typography choices, buttons, icons, and other design components. It serves as a visual reference point, ensuring consistency and cohesiveness across the user interface. The style tile not only captures the aesthetic aspects but also reflects the overall brand identity and user experience we aimed to deliver.

04 High Fidelity prototypes and AI Heatmap

For optimal design selection, we utilized advanced technologies, specifically integrating heatmap analysis. Heatmaps visually represent data through a colour spectrum, enabling us to map user interactions and points of focus, similar to visualizing temperature fluctuations or infrared radiation patterns. The insights from heatmap analysis were pivotal in guiding the design choices.

High fidelity prototype

Succeed MVP

The Succeed App's MVP features curated expert content providing leadership insights and incorporating gamification to enhance engagement, appealing to users' preference for interactivity. Progress tracking showcases advancement, meeting users' desire for tangible results, while the library offers guidance and structured resources. These elements coalesce into an MVP that nurtures leadership growth, aligning with business goals and user preferences.

The app differentiates its content and design to create a holistic and impactful leadership development experience. Content forms the intellectual foundation, offering insightful educational resources, while design delivers this knowledge with optimal engagement. Curated by experts, the content offers the substance necessary for skill enhancement, encompassing strategies, case studies, and best practices in video and audio formats. Interactive gamification elements within the design foster active participation, ensuring an immersive and enjoyable learning journey.

This blend transforms the app into more than a learning tool; it becomes a dynamic platform empowering leaders to evolve, operate efficiently, and excel in their roles. Succeed ensures leaders not only accumulate knowledge but also remain motivated throughout their leadership journey.

Next steps

With the Minimum Viable Product defined for Succeed app, we are currently gathering more data and feedback to shape the product and incorporate new functionalities before developing the first version.

Parallel to the app's development, we have also integrated spatial design into Succeed's future trajectory, recognizing its substantial potential to enhance user engagement and overall experience. By leveraging spatial design, Succeed can elevate its platform to an entirely new dimension of interaction.

This approach provides an immersive way for users to engage with content, fostering a stronger connection and presence within the app. Through spatial design, the brand can transcend traditional screen boundaries, enabling users to interact with content in a three-dimensional space that adapts to their environment be at the forefront of technologies evolving user expectations and introduce innovative avenues for content delivery, interaction, and engagement.

More by Laura Canal

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