Fairy tale library website

Hi all!

I'm new not only here, but also in design. And this is my first job.

This is the Hero concept for a library of fairy tales for adults and children. In the color scheme, I wanted to express the warmth and joy of nostalgia. I would like even the most severe businessman to plunge into a fairy tale at least for a minute and wake up his inner child.

I want to mention that my work is not completely unique. I was inspired by the wonderful work of Alvian Teddy Cahya Putra in which he did the design concept for the Pakaton Golf website. (If my work is seen by the original author, I hope that he will not force me to remove my design)

Here is a link to this wonderful work: https://dribbble.com/shots/17049353-Pakaton-Golf-Website

I also downloaded these cute trees and dragons, as well as fonts. I hope they find their home in my concept.

I will be glad to feedback and criticism :3