Freehouse Design & Supply Branding

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Redesigning your own brand is one of the most challenging yet exciting experiences, where you've got a bunch of fresh ideas to play around with, and at the start, it's mostly your inner critic giving the thumbs up or down. I recently finished this journey in completely rebranding my design services, now known as Freehouse Design & Supply.

Throughout this process, I held several goals for my revitalized vision. My aim was to infuse professionalism while also reflecting design thinking and process. Additionally, I wanted to convey a sense of raw creativity and handmade craftsmanship inherent in an impactful design sesh.

This transformation extended beyond design services; hence the inclusion of "Supply" in the equation. I wanted to make products that I wanted. In addition to offering corduroy hats and playful stickers, this also included the process of crafting hand-made longboards (longboards, cruisers, surfskates, whatever you want to call 'em). Because every designer who's worked full-time while also freelancing knows you need a hobby that gets you away from the screen for a bit. And as someone who loves cruising around, shaping and designing these boards quickly became a much-loved pastime that I knew I wanted to build into my new business.


— Strategy

— Brand Identity

— Website

— Biz Cards

— Illustration

— Social Media

— Brand Guidelines

A look at some of the secondary marks —

Variable mini business cards with short CTA's —

A few website redesign snapshots, check it out live here

Throwing in sticker designs that really fleshed out the brand vibe was a super fun way to dig into brand stuff and let my brain take a break from pixel-pushing.

Freehouse stickers

Colors, colors, colors —

And lastly, a quick snap of one of those handmade cruisers I mentioned —

Thanks for checking it out!

Website | Instagram

Sophia DiDonato | Freehouse Design
Multidisciplinary creative led by curiosity
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