Conquer Your Rebrand ebook sale!

My book launched last week and achieved Amazon Best Seller in 24 hours!

Just a heads up → the ebook promo of 0.99¢ ends tomorrow. 💸

What is this book about?

Conquer Your Rebrand is the most complete brand-building playbook you’ll read. It addresses the “why” of B2B branding and, more importantly, the actionable details of “how.” Know how to prepare and what to expect when embarking on your rebranding journey. Learn to recognize and avoid common pitfalls. Discover what matters most in your agency partner, how to plan for your brand rollout, and everything in between.

Why did I write it?

I want people to understand the power of and succeed in their brand investment. Period. Sharing with bold transparency what we've learned from 13+ years in the industry is a powerful and low-barrier way to elevate more people/organizations.

→ Purchase whichever format you prefer here! 

Focus Lab + Odi
Global B2B brand experts.

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