Send It: Day 13 of 100 - SuperDribbble Daily Design Challenge

Your Personal Package Delivery Service.

Handling deliveries can be a hassle, but with Send It, it doesn't have to be. We've simplified the package delivery process, allowing you to send and track packages with ease. With a clean, intuitive interface and features designed for efficient delivery management, Send It puts you in control.

Key Features of Send It:

  • Package Tracking: Keep track of your package from dispatch to delivery, ensuring you're always in the loop.

  • Address Book: Easily manage all your addresses in one place. No need to re-enter information for frequent delivery locations.

  • Delivery Options: Choose from a range of delivery options to suit your needs, from express to standard delivery times.

With Send It, you're just a few taps away from having your package delivered. Experience the ease and convenience of efficient package delivery today.

More by Blake Feldman

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