Online Support - a support request tool for lab technicians

Online Support is an app for Biochemistry Lab Technicians to report an issue with lab equipment and analysers. Upon issue reporting, the user is asked to provide all relevant information, so that the Support Agent has all required data to handle the case and find a solution quicker.

Because an instrument error often means that the entire line of analysers is down, the Lab Technicians are eager to fix minor issues themselves. In this scenario, the app recommends its users a relevant troubleshooting manuals to support them with self-fixing.

The UI is built on with company's official design system, which is a customised version of Angular Material library.

The modular structure (left drawer, middle content and floating cards on the right) was designed to be easily translated to the mobile app.

This, together with use of ionic framework helped us to maintain a single code base for web, iOS and Android - decreasing engineering cost and maintenance effort.

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